Hello, everyone! My name is Kyle Daruwalla, and I am a NeuroAI scholar at Cold Spring Harbor Lab in Long Island, NY. I completed my PhD at University of Wisconsin-Madison under Dr. Mikko Lipasti in the PHARM group. For my undergraduate studies, I went to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for electrical engineering and mathematics.
Getting the important stuff out of the way, below are some pictures of my dog, George. He also goes by Jorge or Lil' Bubba.

My research interests include non-von Neumman computing paradigms, particularly those inspired by biology. Secretly, I want to revive cybernetics which represents the last time when the lines between computer science, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence were truly blurred. I have experience with computer architecture, ML, RTL design, and IC layout. I also taught (as a TA and instructor) undergrad and grad courses on computer engineering, embedded systems, PCB layout, optimization, and linear algebra for ML. You can find my full CV here.
Service and shared governance is important to me. I have dedicate my energy and time to elevating graduate student voices on campus, particularly in my own department. I have served as president, vice-president, and PR officer for our department's graduate student association. I also served on the Graduate School's Dean's Advisory Board, and I was a departmental steward for the TAA. Email me if you want to discuss the importance of shared involvement in academia!
I also contribute to the Julia language community. I'm a maintainer for Flux.jl, Metalhead.jl, ParameterSchedulers.jl and BitSAD.jl (and I review/contribute to many other ML related packages in the FluxML organization). If you are interested in getting involved with open source, email me!
Away from the office, George and I enjoy hiking, sailing, and playing guitar (Jorge plays the part of snoring). I try to cook, eat, garden, or woodwork to get a good work-life balance.