NeuroAI Scholar at CSHL

Preprint Publications

K. Daruwalla, I. N. Martin, A. Frankel, D. Naglič, Z. Ahmad, X. H. Hou, A 3D whole-face movement analysis system to uncover underlying physiology in mice, preprint, May, 2024.
[ pdf ]

R. S. Raju, K. Daruwalla, M. Lipasti, Accelerating Deep Learning with Dynamic Data Pruning, preprint, November, 2021.
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Conference Publications

Spotlight paper 🔦
A. S. Benjamin, C. Pehle, K. Daruwalla, Continual learning with the neural tangent ensemble, NeurIPS, December, 2024.
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K. Daruwalla, H. Zhuo, C. Schulz, M. Lipasti, BitBench: A Benchmark for Bitstream Computing, Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES '19), June 23, 2019.
[ pdf ]

Journal Publications

K. Daruwalla, M. Lipasti, Information Bottleneck-Based Hebbian Learning Rule Naturally Ties Working Memory and Synaptic Updates, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, May, 2024.
[ link ]

S. Khoram, K. Daruwalla, M. Lipasti, Energy-Efficient Bayesian Inference Using Bitstream Computing, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, February 2023.

K. Daruwalla, H. Zhuo, R. Shukla, M. Lipasti, BitSAD v2: Compiler Optimization and Analysis for Bitstream Computing, ACM Transcations on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Vol. 16, Iss. 4, No. 43. November 2019.
[ pdf ]

K. Daruwalla, N. Olivero, A. Pluger, S. Rao, D.W. Chang, M. Simoni, A quantitative analysis of the performance of computing architectures used in neural simulations, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 311. 2019, Pg. 57-66.
[ link ]

Workshop Publications

X. Zheng, K. Daruwalla, A. S. Benjamin, D. Klindt, Delays in generalization match delayed changes in representational geometry, UniReps: 2nd Edition of the Workshop on Unifying Representations in Neural Models, December 2024.
[ pdf ]

N. Joshi, K. Daruwalla, M. Lipasti, BitFit: Bitstream-Aware Training for Stochastic Neural Networks, Second Workshop on Unary Computing (WUC), April 2024.
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K. Daruwalla, H. Zhuo, M. Lipasti, BitSAD: A Domain-Specific Language for Bitstream Computing, First ISCA Workshop on Unary Computing, June 2019.
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K. Daruwalla, M. Lipasti, Resource Efficient Navigation Using Bitstream Computing, First ISCA Workshop on Unary Computing, June 2019.
[ pdf ]

Oral Presentations

Building Energy-Efficient Computers,
Invited talk: Cold Spring Harbor Lab NeuroAI Seminar, Long Island, NY. Feb. 2022.
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BitSAD v2: Compiler Optimization and Analysis for Bitstream Computing,
High-performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation Conference, Bologna, Italy. Jan. 2020.
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Resource Efficient Navigation Using Bitstream Computing,
First ISCA Workshop on Unary Computing, Phoenix, AZ. Jun. 2019.
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BitBench: A Benchmark for Bitstream Computing,
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, Phoenix, AZ. Jun. 2019.
[ slides ]

Seeing Through the FoG: A Biologically Inspired Navigation System,
Industry Affiliates Meeting, Madison, WI. Oct. 2017.

Poster Presentations

A Biologically-Plausible Learning Rule Based on the Information Bottleneck,
Spiking Neural networks as Universal Function Approximators (SNUFA '21), Nov. 2021.
[ poster ]

BitBench: A Benchmark for Bitstream Computing,
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES '19), Phoenix, AZ. Jun. 2019.

Seeing Through the FoG: A Biologically Inspired Navigation System,
Industry Affiliates Meeting, Madison, WI. Oct. 2017.

Drone Control with Map-Seeking Circuits,
Industry Affiliates Meeting, Madison WI. Nov. 2016.